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Research interests

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About me

A physical oceanographer with a flair of geophysical fluid dynamics and data science. I have a strong interest in (sub)mesoscale turbulence in the surface ocean and how it interacts with the large-scale ocean circulation and biogeochemistry. I approach the problems by analyzing big data outputs from general circulation models, idealized numerical simulations and remote-sensed observations.

Positions held

Assistant research scientist
Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS), USA

MOPGA postdoctoral research fellow
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France


Ph.D. - Physical Oceanography
Columbia University in the City of New York, USA

Summer School - Turbulence Theory in Climate Dynamics
École de Physique des Houches, France
August 2017

B.E. - Ocean Engineering
The University of Tokyo, Japan

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Uchida, T., Q. Jamet, A. Poje, N. Wienders & W. Dewar. Wavelet-based wavenumber spectral estimate of eddy kinetic energy: Application to the North Atlantic. Ocean Model.

In preparation

Balwada, D., S. Smith, T. Uchida & R. Abernathey. Eddy transport tensor in a zonally inhomogeneous ocean channel.

Uchida, T., B. Deremble & W. Dewar. A stochastic model for eddy dynamics in a quasi-geostrophic double gyre.

Sun, L., T. Uchida, T. Penduff & W. Dewar. Diagnosing the thickness-weighted averaged eddy-mean flow interaction from an eddying North Atlantic ensemble, Part III: On mode waters.


Uchida, T., Q. Jamet, W. Dewar, B. Deremble, A. Poje & L. Sun. Imprint of chaos on the ocean energy cycle from an eddying North Atlantic ensemble. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 2024.

Deremble, B., T. Uchida, W. Dewar & R. Samelson. Eddy-mean flow interaction with the Multiple Scale Quasi-Geostrophic Model. J. Adv. Mod. Earth Sys. 2023.

Chassignet, E., X. Xu, A. Bozec, & T. Uchida. Impact of the New England seamount chain on Gulf Stream pathway and variability. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 2023.

Uchida, T., Q. Jamet, A. Poje, N. Wienders, W. Dewar & B. Deremble. Wavelet-based wavenumber spectral estimate of eddy kinetic energy: Idealized quasi-geostrophic flow. J. Adv. Mod. Earth Sys. 2023.

Uchida, T., D. Balwada, Q. Jamet, W. Dewar, B. Deremble, T. Penduff & J. Le Sommer. Cautionary tales from the mesoscale eddy transport tensor. Ocean Mod. 2023.

Uchida, T., J. Le Sommer, C. Stern, R. Abernathey, C. Holdgraf, A. Albert, L. Brodeau, E. Chassignet, X. Xu, J. Gula, G. Roullet, N. Koldunov, S. Danilov, Q. Wang, D. Menemenlis, C. Bricaud, B. Arbic, J. Shriver, F. Qiao, B. Xiao, A. Biastoch, R. Schubert, B. Fox-Kemper & W. Dewar. Cloud-based framework for inter-comparing submesoscale permitting realistic ocean models. Geosci. Mod. Dev. 2022.

Uchida, T., Q. Jamet, W. Dewar, J. Le Sommer, T. Penduff & D. Balwada. Diagnosing the thickness-weighted averaged eddy-mean flow interaction from an eddying North Atlantic ensemble, Part I: The Eliassen-Palm flux. J. Adv. Mod. Earth Sys. 2022.

Uchida, T., B. Deremble & S. Popinet. Deterministic model of the eddy dynamics for a midlatitude ocean model. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 2022.

Uchida, T., Q. Jamet, A. Poje & W. Dewar. An ensemble-based eddy and spectral analysis, with application to the Gulf Stream. J. Adv. Mod. Earth Sys. 2021.

Khatri, H., S. Griffies, T. Uchida, H. Wang & D. Menemenlis. Role of mixed-layer instabilities in the seasonal evolution of eddy kinetic energy spectra in a global submesoscale permitting simulation. Geophys. Res. Let. 2021.

Uchida, T., B. Deremble, W. Dewar & T. Penduff. Diagnosing the Eliassen-Palm flux from a quasi-geostrophic double gyre ensemble. In proceedings of the EarthCube Annual Meeting. 2021.

Uchida, T., B. Deremble & T. Penduff. The seasonal variability of the ocean energy cycle from a quasi-geostrophic double gyre ensemble. Fluids. 2021.

Jamet, Q., B. Deremble, N. Wienders, T. Uchida & W. Dewar. On wind-driven energetics of subtropical gyres. J. Adv. Mod. Earth Sys. 2021.

Jones, S., J. Busecke, T. Uchida & R. Abernathey. Vertical regridding and remapping of CMIP6 ocean data in the cloud. In proceedings of the EarthCube Annual Meeting. 2020.

Uchida, T., D. Balwada, R. Abernathey, G. McKinley, S. Smith & M. Lévy. Vertical iron fluxes support primary production in the open Southern Ocean. Nature Comm. 2020.

Uchida, T., D. Balwada, R. Abernathey, G. McKinley, S. Smith & M. Lévy. The contribution of submesoscale over mesoscale eddy iron transport in the open Southern Ocean. J. Adv. Mod. Earth Sys. 2019.

Uchida, T., D. Balwada, R. Abernathey, P. Channing, E. Boss & S. Gille. Southern Ocean Phytoplankton Blooms Observed by Biogeochemical Floats. J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans. 2019.

Uchida, T., R. Abernathey & S. Smith. Seasonality of eddy kinetic energy in an eddy permitting global climate model. Ocean Mod. 2017.


Uchida, T. Seasonality in surface (sub)mesoscale turbulence and its impact on iron transport and primary production. Ph.D. Thesis. 2019.

Uchida, T. Analysis of Island-trapped Waves off the Izu-Islands. B.E. Thesis. 2014.

Selected oral & poster presentations

Uchida, T., D. Balwada, Q. Jamet, W. Dewar, B. Deremble, T. Penduff & J. Le Sommer. Is there any hope in the mesoscale eddy transport tensor in parametrizing sub-grid eddy dynamics? COAPS seminar series. Feb. 2023. FL, USA.

Uchida, T., D. Balwada, Q. Jamet, W. Dewar, B. Deremble, T. Penduff & J. Le Sommer. Cautionary tales from the mesoscale eddy transport tensor. 2023 DRAKKAR Ocean Mod. Workshop. Feb. 2023. Grenoble, France.

Uchida.T, J. Le Sommer, A. Albert, C. Holdgraf, R. Abernathey, C. Stern, E. Chassignet, X. Xu, J. Gula, G. Roullet, Q. Wang, N. Koldunov, S. Danilov, D. Menemenlis, C. Bricaud, A. Biastoch, R. Schubert & B. Fox-Kemper. Inter-comparison of basin-scale submesoscale permitting ocean models at SWOT Crossover regions. Future Directions in Basin and Global High-resolution Ocean Modelling. Oct. 2021. Kiel, Germany.

Uchida.T, Q. Jamet, W. Dewar, D. Balwada, J. Le Sommer & T. Penduff. Towards a potential vorticity based mesoscale closure scheme. CESM Ocean Model Working Group Meeting. Feb. 2021.

Uchida, T., D. Balwada, R. Abernathey, G. McKinley, S. Smith & M. Lévy. A Mechanistic Understanding on Eddy Iron Transport in the Southern Ocean. AMS 22nd Conference on AOFD. Jun. 2020. Portland, Maine, USA.

Uchida, T., R. Abernathey, G. McKinley, S. Smith, D. Balwada & M. Lévy. Seasonality in eddy iron fluxes and its impact on primary production. AGU Fall Meeting. Dec. 2018. Washington D.C., USA.

Uchida, T., R. Abernathey, G. McKinley, S. Smith, D. Balwada & M. Lévy. Seasonality of eddy iron fluxes in the Southern Ocean and its impact on primary production. NHOM-Brest: Workshop on Non-Hydrostatic Ocean Mod. Oct. 2018. Brest, France.

Uchida, T., R. Abernathey, S. Smith & D. Balwada. Idealized Study of Seasonal Dynamics in the Southern Ocean. Gordon Research Conference. Jun. 2018. Andover, USA.

Uchida, T., R. Abernathey & S. Smith. The global seasonal cycle of mixed layer instability in a GCM. AMS 21st Conference on AOFD & 19th Conference on Mid. Atmos. Jun. 2017. Portland, USA.

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Big-data Oceanography

Consistent OceaN Turbulence for ClimaTe Simulators
CONTaCTS is a project aiming to study and parameterize (sub)mesoscale momentum fluxes where it is critical: within the surface and bottom boundary layers of the ocean, where it interacts with the atmosphere and topography. We propose to develop such parameterizations for O(10km) resolution models, based on the analysis of existing O(1km) resolution North Atlantic simulations (eNATL60).

Bioproductivity in the open Southern Ocean
I am interested in the impact of eddy fluxes on the transport of momentum and tracers such as carbon and nutrients, and how this affect the bioproductivity in the Southern Ocean. The Southern Ocean is know as one of the high-nutrient low-chlorophyll zones, with the limiting nutrient being iron. This makes the biological pump of carbon in the region very sensitive to influx of iron, yet our insights into the pathways of iron are limited. My interest has been to quantify the relative impact of supply by the ocean dynamics. Below is a list of packages I have developed and/or contributed to for my analysis.

xrft is a Python package for taking the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) on xarray and dask arrays. It keeps the metadata of the original dataset and provides a clean work flow of DFT.

xomega is a Python package for inverting the generalized Omega equation given the right-hand side of the equation. It solves the inversion in Fourier space and provides an efficient work flow.

oceanmodes is a Python package for linear quasigeostrophic normal mode analysis given the background state of velocity and density profile.

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